Data Labeling Services for ML Models

At Unidata, we offer high-quality data labeling services tailored for machine learning projects. Our expert team provides precise tagging to help you build robust models, ensuring optimal quality and performance with advanced tools and extensive expertise.

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Data Labeling

What is Data Labeling?

Data labeling is the process of categorizing data to prepare it for machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. This essential step involves assigning meaningful labels or tags to various types of data, such as images, text, audio, and video, enabling algorithms to learn from the information accurately. High-quality data labeling enhances the performance of machine learning models by providing clear and structured inputs, allowing organizations to derive actionable insights and drive innovation.

How we deliver data labeling services

Step 1

Consultation and Requirements

The process begins with a thorough consultation, during which we collaborate closely with the client to fully understand the scope and objectives of the project. We work together to identify the specific types of data that need to be labeled, such as images, videos, text, or audio. During this stage, we also define the labeling requirements, specifying the types of labels, such as bounding boxes, segmentation, or tags, and the level of detail expected. We ensure we understand the end goals, whether the data is intended for machine learning model training, analytics, or other applications, while discussing accuracy expectations, label categories, and potential edge cases. Sample data is collected to guarantee alignment with the client’s expectations before moving forward.
Step 2

Team and Roles Planning

After establishing the requirements, we proceed to the team and roles planning phase. A dedicated project team is assembled based on the specific needs of the project. A project manager is appointed to oversee the entire process and act as the primary point of contact with the client. Skilled data labelers with expertise in the relevant domain, such as medical, automotive, or retail, are assigned to carry out the annotation tasks. Quality assurance specialists are brought in to ensure that the labeled data meets the necessary standards, while data engineers, tool experts, and customer support representatives work in tandem to ensure the smooth operation of the project.
Step 3

Tasks and Tools Planning

Once the team is in place, we move on to tasks and tools planning, where we develop a comprehensive workflow for the project. The project is broken down into manageable tasks, and we define the milestones and assign tasks across the team in a way that optimizes efficiency. We determine the best annotation tools and platforms to use, based on the type of data and the complexity of the labeling requirements. We also establish workflows designed to maximize productivity, whether through batching data, parallel processing, or assigning specialized tasks to individual team members. Clear communication and task tracking processes are implemented to ensure the team works seamlessly together.
Step 4

Software Selection

Software selection is a critical step in the success of the project. At this stage, we carefully evaluate the best tools for the specific data labeling requirements. We select software that supports the appropriate data formats, whether they involve images, videos, text, or audio, while also considering the tools' ability to handle specific annotation needs like object detection, segmentation, classification, or transcription. AI-assisted labeling features are prioritized to improve accuracy and speed, and cloud-based solutions are chosen for real-time collaboration and scalability. We ensure that the selected software is compatible with the client’s machine learning frameworks and data storage platforms, ensuring seamless integration into their systems.
Step 5

Project Stages and Timelines

Once the software is selected, we create a clear project roadmap that outlines the stages and timelines for completion. The project typically begins with an initial setup, tool configuration, and a small-scale pilot phase to verify that everything is functioning as expected. This is followed by full-scale annotation, which is broken down into manageable milestones, with regular progress reports provided to the client. After annotation, the project progresses to the quality assurance and validation phase to ensure accuracy, before moving on to data formatting and the delivery of the final labeled datasets. This timeline, shared with the client, ensures transparency and clear deadlines throughout the project.
Step 6

Annotation Tasks Execution

When it comes to annotation tasks execution, the team begins to label the data according to the specifications defined in earlier stages. Skilled labelers use AI-assisted tools to expedite the process, particularly when working with large datasets. The project manager closely monitors performance and progress to ensure the work stays on schedule and meets the expected quality standards. Progress is regularly reviewed to confirm that the annotations align with the client’s objectives and expectations.
Step 7

Quality and Validation Check

Following annotation, the quality and validation check phase begins. During this stage, the quality assurance team thoroughly reviews the labeled data for accuracy, consistency, and adherence to the project’s guidelines. Automated validation tools help identify potential labeling errors, while manual checks are conducted for more complex or ambiguous cases. Any identified errors or inconsistencies are corrected to ensure the final data meets the highest standards of accuracy.
Step 8

Data Preparation and Formatting

After quality checks are complete, we move on to data preparation and formatting. Here, we convert and structure the labeled data to meet the client’s specific format requirements, such as JSON, XML, or CSV. The data is organized to be easily integrated into the client’s machine learning models or data pipelines, with encryption and compression applied as needed to ensure secure transfer and protection of sensitive information.
Step 9

Prepare Results for ML Tasks

During the preparation of results for machine learning tasks, we ensure that the labeled data is structured in a way that supports the client’s machine learning pipeline. We focus on ensuring consistency and accuracy in the annotations to optimize the effectiveness of the client’s models. We also include any necessary metadata and additional information needed for model training, ensuring the data is ready to be used effectively in the client’s workflows.
Step 10

Transfer Results to Customer

The next phase involves securely transferring the final labeled datasets to the client. We offer several secure options for data transfer, including cloud storage platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, secure FTP transfers for sensitive data, or physical delivery methods such as encrypted external hard drives for large datasets. Throughout this process, we ensure that the transfer is seamless, secure, and in compliance with any data privacy or confidentiality requirements agreed upon with the client.
Step 11

Customer Feedback

Finally, after the data has been delivered, we seek customer feedback to ensure the client is fully satisfied with the results. We conduct a thorough review of the delivered data with the client, making sure it meets their expectations. Any potential revisions or adjustments are discussed, and we gather feedback on the overall experience, including the quality of the data, the effectiveness of our processes, and the level of communication throughout the project. Based on this feedback, we make any necessary changes and incorporate lessons learned into our future workflows, fostering continuous improvement and strong, long-term partnerships with our clients.

The best software for data labeling tasks


Labelbox is a versatile and user-friendly data labeling platform designed to handle various data types such as images, text, audio, and video. Its powerful project management features allow for efficient collaboration across teams, making it a go-to tool for machine learning projects.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered labeling tools to assist and accelerate manual annotation tasks.
  • Advanced project management and collaboration features for seamless team interaction.
  • Supports multiple annotation types including classification, segmentation, and object detection.
  • Customizable workflows and integration with popular machine learning frameworks.

Best For:

Teams that need a flexible and scalable data labeling platform with a strong focus on collaboration and efficiency across diverse data types.

Scale AI

Scale AI is a robust platform known for its efficiency in handling large-scale data labeling tasks. It provides automation features and tools to manage massive datasets, making it ideal for projects requiring precise and high-volume labeling.

Key Features:

  • Automation tools that reduce the time and cost of manual annotation.
  • Supports complex data types, including 3D point clouds, video, and text.
  • Real-time quality assurance tools that ensure high accuracy.
  • Built to scale for projects of any size, from small teams to enterprise-level.

Best For:

Enterprises working on large datasets, particularly in industries like autonomous vehicles, e-commerce, and AI-driven applications.

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool)

CVAT is an open-source tool widely used for computer vision tasks, particularly image and video annotation. Its flexibility and ability to be self-hosted make it a popular choice for organizations looking for a customizable solution.

Key Features:

  • Supports a wide range of annotation types such as bounding boxes, polylines, and segmentation.
  • Easy integration with machine learning pipelines.
  • Self-hosted and open-source, allowing for complete customization and control.
  • Active community support and frequent updates.

Best For:

Teams looking for a free, customizable tool that can be adapted for complex and specific data labeling tasks in computer vision.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth is an integrated data labeling service within AWS, designed to create high-quality training datasets for machine learning. It leverages both human labelers and automated labeling techniques.

Key Features:

  • Built-in automation for labeling tasks using machine learning to reduce manual effort.
  • Scalable to handle large datasets with the ability to combine human annotation and AI.
  • Seamless integration with AWS machine learning services.
  • Supports diverse data types including image, video, text, and 3D point cloud.

Best For:

Enterprises using AWS services that require a powerful, scalable, and automated solution for large-scale data labeling.


Dataloop is a data management and labeling platform built for handling AI-driven workflows. Its strong automation capabilities combined with advanced tools for complex data types make it a great choice for scaling machine learning projects.

Key Features:

  • Automated annotation tools powered by AI for faster labeling.
  • Supports complex data types including image, video, 3D point cloud, and text.
  • End-to-end data management platform with integrated workflow management.
  • Collaboration tools and data pipeline integrations to streamline team projects.

Best For:

Companies needing a complete data pipeline management solution that includes efficient, AI-powered labeling for large-scale machine learning tasks.


Prodigy is an annotation tool focused on creating custom training data for machine learning models. It offers a wide range of customization options and interactive labeling processes that are particularly useful for NLP tasks.

Key Features:

  • Interactive and scriptable interface allowing for the customization of labeling tasks.
  • Supports various annotation types including text, image, and multi-modal tasks.
  • Fast and efficient labeling process tailored for quick iteration and feedback loops.
  • Excellent integration with NLP and machine learning libraries such as spaCy.

Best For:

Small teams or individuals working on highly specialized machine learning projects, particularly in NLP and text annotation.

VoTT (Visual Object Tagging Tool)

VoTT is a free and open-source annotation tool developed by Microsoft, designed for labeling images and videos. It is easy to use and integrates well with machine learning models for training purposes.

Key Features:

  • Supports image and video annotation with bounding boxes, classification, and segmentation.
  • Integration with popular cloud services such as Azure and machine learning libraries.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for both small-scale and large-scale annotation projects.
  • Open-source and customizable based on project needs.

Best For:

Teams or individuals looking for a free, open-source tool for image and video labeling with simple integration options.


V7 is a highly advanced data labeling platform that focuses on deep learning and automation for image and video annotation. It offers state-of-the-art tools for handling complex datasets, such as medical imaging or autonomous vehicle data.

Key Features:

  • AI-assisted labeling tools to automate and refine the annotation process.
  • Supports a variety of data types, including images, videos, and 3D data.
  • Collaborative workflows with features to manage large teams and projects.
  • Strong focus on visual and medical data, with specialized tools for complex datasets.

Best For:

Teams working with highly complex visual datasets in industries like healthcare, autonomous vehicles, and AI research, requiring advanced automation and precision.

Types of data labeling services

Image Annotation

Image annotation involves labeling objects within images to train machine learning models for tasks like object detection, classification, or segmentation. Common forms of image annotation include: Bounding Boxes: Drawing rectangles around objects of interest within an image. Polygon Annotation: Creating precise shapes around irregular objects for higher accuracy. Semantic Segmentation: Assigning each pixel in an image to a particular class or label. Keypoint Annotation: Marking specific points of interest, such as facial landmarks or body joints.

Video Annotation

Video annotation is used to label objects frame by frame within video data, enabling machine learning models to recognize and track objects over time. This is critical for applications like autonomous driving, security surveillance, and sports analytics. Types of video annotation include: Object Tracking: Labeling objects and following their movements across frames. Event Detection: Identifying and labeling specific events or actions within the video. Frame Classification: Labeling each video frame according to predefined categories.

Text Annotation

Text annotation involves labeling segments of text data to help models understand language and context. This is essential for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Common forms include: Entity Recognition: Identifying and labeling entities such as names, locations, or organizations within text. Sentiment Annotation: Categorizing text based on its emotional tone (positive, negative, or neutral). Text Classification: Assigning predefined categories or labels to entire text documents or segments.

Audio Annotation

Audio annotation is the process of labeling sound data to train models for speech recognition, language processing, or sound classification. This can involve: Speech-to-Text Annotation: Transcribing spoken words into text. Speaker Identification: Labeling different speakers within an audio file. Sound Classification: Categorizing audio clips into classes such as music, noise, or specific sound events (e.g., sirens, applause).

3D Point Cloud Annotation

3D point cloud annotation is used to label data generated by LiDAR sensors, commonly used in autonomous vehicles, robotics, and mapping. Types of 3D annotation include: 3D Bounding Boxes: Drawing three-dimensional boxes around objects in point cloud data. Point-Level Annotation: Labeling individual points in the cloud data for detailed object classification. Segmentation: Grouping points in the cloud data into specific categories or classes (e.g., vehicles, pedestrians, road signs).

Image and Video Classification

This form of data labeling involves categorizing images or video frames into predefined categories without specifically annotating the objects within them. It is used for applications like scene classification, product categorization, or identifying actions in video.

Entity Annotation for Structured Data

This involves labeling structured data formats, such as tables or spreadsheets, to categorize and tag specific entities or values within the data. This type of annotation is often used in machine learning for financial analysis, business intelligence, and other data-heavy applications.

OCR Annotation (Optical Character Recognition)

OCR annotation involves labeling characters, words, or blocks of text within images or scanned documents. It is used to train models that convert visual text into machine-readable formats, often used in document digitization and automation.

Sensor Data Annotation

This form of annotation involves labeling data from various sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, or GPS. This type of data labeling is particularly important for applications like wearable device analysis, IoT (Internet of Things), and activity recognition.

Attribute Annotation

Attribute annotation involves adding additional metadata to labeled objects, such as the color of a car, the breed of an animal, or the sentiment of a piece of text. It enhances the depth of the annotation by providing more context for the labeled data. Each type of data labeling service plays a critical role in building machine learning models tailored to specific tasks across industries such as autonomous driving, healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more.

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