Text Labeling services for ml

Unidata offers professional Text Labeling Services, delivering precise and comprehensive annotations of text data to enhance natural language processing (NLP) models and text-based applications across various industries. Our expert annotators meticulously label text with relevant tags, categories, and annotations, ensuring the creation of high-quality training datasets that drive optimal model performance

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Text Labeling

What is Text Labeling?

Text labeling is the process of annotating text data with relevant tags, categories, or labels to prepare it for machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) applications. This essential step involves identifying key elements within the text, such as entities, sentiments, and topics, enabling algorithms to learn from and understand the underlying information. High-quality text labeling is crucial for improving the performance of NLP models, enhancing tasks like sentiment analysis, text classification, and information extraction.

How We Deliver Text Labeling Services

Step 1

Consultation and Requirements

Our process begins with a detailed consultation to understand the client’s specific text labeling needs. We discuss the project’s scope, objectives, and the types of labels required (e.g., sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, text classification). We ensure all project requirements are clear, including labeling guidelines, data security measures, and any specific formatting requests. This initial phase is critical for aligning expectations and ensuring the project aligns with the client's machine learning goals.
Step 2

Team and Roles Planning

After gathering the project requirements, we assemble a dedicated team. This includes project managers, skilled annotators, and quality assurance specialists. Each team member is assigned specific roles based on their expertise, such as performing annotations, reviewing the work for quality, and overseeing project timelines. The project manager acts as the point of contact for the client, ensuring that communication is clear and efficient throughout the project lifecycle.
Step 3

Tasks and Tools Planning

In this stage, we define the annotation tasks and create a detailed workflow. We clarify the types of labels and any hierarchical or multi-label classification needs. We also determine the number of annotators required and whether any automation tools will be used to accelerate the process. The workflows are designed to ensure efficiency, consistency, and scalability for the entire project.
Step 4

Software Selection

Based on the project’s needs, we select the most appropriate software for text labeling. This could include platforms like Labelbox, Prodigy, or Doccano, which support NLP tasks such as entity recognition, text classification, and sentiment analysis. The software chosen is tailored to the specific labeling tasks, ensuring compatibility with the client's machine learning pipelines. We also ensure that the platform supports collaboration, version control, and quality checks.
Step 5

Project Stages and Timelines

A clear project timeline is established, broken into stages such as initial setup, sample annotations, full-scale annotation, quality checks, and final review. Milestones are set to monitor progress, and regular check-ins with the client are scheduled to provide updates. This transparent approach ensures that deadlines are met, and the client is informed of any potential adjustments to timelines.
Step 6

Annotation Tasks Execution

With the team, tools, and timeline in place, we begin the text labeling process. Our trained annotators work according to the project’s specific guidelines, labeling entities, sentiments, or classifications as required. Depending on the project complexity, we may implement AI-assisted tools to automate certain parts of the process while ensuring manual oversight for accuracy. Our annotators adhere to consistency guidelines to ensure that labels are applied uniformly across the dataset.
Step 7

Quality and Validation Check

Quality is a priority throughout the annotation process. We employ multiple quality control measures, including peer reviews, automated checks, and validation processes to ensure the labeled data is accurate and meets the project’s specifications. Discrepancies are flagged and corrected, and inter-annotator agreement is monitored to maintain labeling consistency across the team.
Step 8

Data Preparation and Formatting

After the annotations are validated, we prepare the data for the client’s use. This involves formatting the labeled text data into the required structure, such as JSON, CSV, or XML, ensuring compatibility with machine learning models or other downstream applications. The data is organized and formatted according to the client’s specifications for easy integration.
Step 9

Prepare Results for ML Tasks

Once the labeling is complete and the data is formatted, we prepare the dataset for machine learning tasks. This includes organizing the labeled data, validating that it meets the training requirements, and ensuring compatibility with the client’s ML frameworks. Any additional pre-processing, such as tokenization or normalization, can also be applied at this stage to optimize the data for training purposes.
Step 10

Transfer Results to Customer

After the data is finalized, we securely transfer it to the client using their preferred method, such as cloud storage, encrypted file transfer, or direct system integration. We ensure that the handoff process is seamless, and the data is structured for immediate use in their machine learning projects. We provide any necessary documentation to support the implementation of the labeled data.
Step 11

Customer Feedback

After delivery, we actively seek customer feedback to ensure the project meets their expectations. If adjustments or refinements are required, we make revisions accordingly. We believe in fostering long-term relationships with our clients, using their feedback to continuously improve our processes for future projects. Post-delivery support is provided to ensure the client is fully satisfied with the results.

Best software for text labelling tasks


Labelbox is a comprehensive annotation platform that supports text labeling, image, and video data. It provides customizable workflows for text labeling tasks, making it ideal for NLP projects. The platform integrates well with popular machine learning frameworks, streamlining data preparation for model training.

Key Features:

  • Customizable labeling interfaces for text classification, named entity recognition (NER), and sentiment analysis.
  • AI-assisted labeling to accelerate manual tasks.
  • Collaboration tools for managing large annotation teams.
  • Integration with machine learning tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

Best For:

Teams looking for a robust platform with support for NLP tasks, collaboration features, and AI-assisted text annotation.


Prodigy is an advanced text annotation tool designed for NLP tasks such as text classification, entity recognition, and sentiment analysis. It is built with a focus on active learning, allowing machine learning models to improve with continuous annotation feedback. Prodigy integrates seamlessly with spaCy and other NLP libraries.

Key Features:

  • Active learning to reduce manual annotation effort.
  • Easy-to-use interfaces for a variety of NLP tasks.
  • Full integration with spaCy and Hugging Face for NLP pipelines.
  • Scriptable API for custom workflows and labeling strategies.

Best For:

NLP teams looking for a flexible, active learning-driven platform that can integrate into machine learning pipelines and improve annotation efficiency over time.


LightTag is a collaborative text annotation platform built specifically for NLP tasks such as named entity recognition and text classification. It features a clean, easy-to-use interface and strong quality control measures, making it ideal for managing large annotation teams.

Key Features:

  • Real-time collaboration for team-based annotation projects.
  • Advanced quality control tools like inter-annotator agreement.
  • Supports various text labeling tasks, including NER, sentiment analysis, and relation extraction.
  • Easy integration with existing NLP pipelines.

Best For:

Teams needing a collaborative platform with strong quality control features for large-scale NLP annotation tasks.


Tagtog is a versatile text annotation tool that supports both manual and automated labeling. It allows teams to annotate complex documents such as PDFs and medical records, making it ideal for industries requiring precise text labeling. Tagtog’s automation features help speed up annotation for larger datasets.

Key Features:

  • Support for text classification, NER, and relation extraction.
  • Machine learning-assisted annotation for faster labeling.
  • Capabilities to handle a variety of document formats, including PDFs.
  • Export options in various formats such as JSON, XML, and CoNLL.

Best For:

Teams working with complex text data (e.g., legal, medical) that need automation tools and support for various document types.


Doccano is an open-source, web-based tool for text annotation. It provides an intuitive interface for tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, and sequence labeling. Its lightweight and flexible nature make it an ideal solution for teams with smaller budgets or those looking to customize their annotation workflow.

Key Features:

  • Support for text classification, sequence labeling, and sentiment analysis.
  • Open-source, customizable platform.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface for annotators.
  • Export options in formats like JSON and CSV.

Best For:

Teams or individuals seeking a cost-effective, open-source solution for basic NLP annotation tasks.


SuperAnnotate is a versatile annotation platform that supports text, image, and video data. Although known primarily for its image annotation features, SuperAnnotate provides powerful text labeling tools for classification and entity recognition tasks, with AI-powered features to improve annotation speed.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered annotation tools for faster text labeling.
  • Customizable workflows for different text labeling tasks.
  • Collaboration features for managing large annotation projects.
  • Integration with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow.

Best For:

Teams looking for a multi-purpose annotation platform that supports text as well as image and video labeling, with strong AI assistance features.


Diffgram is a data labeling platform that supports text, image, and video annotations. It offers a complete suite of features for managing annotation workflows, providing tools for text classification, NER, and relation extraction tasks. With a focus on scalability, Diffgram is well-suited for larger projects.

Key Features:

  • Support for text classification and NER tasks.
  • Real-time collaboration for team-based labeling.
  • Workflow automation to scale annotation tasks efficiently.
  • Integration with popular ML frameworks and data pipelines.

Best For:

Teams needing a scalable, enterprise-grade platform for managing large NLP labeling projects across various data types.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

SageMaker Ground Truth is Amazon’s data labeling service that provides both manual and automated text annotation options. It is highly scalable and offers built-in quality assurance features, making it suitable for large NLP projects. SageMaker integrates seamlessly with AWS machine learning workflows.

Key Features:

  • Automated labeling with human oversight for enhanced accuracy.
  • Built-in workflows for text classification and named entity recognition.
  • Scalable for large projects with cloud-based infrastructure.
  • Tight integration with Amazon SageMaker for ML model training.

Best For:

Teams using AWS infrastructure looking for a scalable, automated solution for text labeling tasks.

Types of Text Labeling Services

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Named Entity Recognition involves identifying and labeling entities such as names of people, organizations, locations, dates, and other specific information within text. This form of labeling is widely used in tasks like document analysis, customer support systems, and legal document processing.

Text Classification

Text classification is the process of assigning a predefined category or label to entire texts or sections of text. This service is commonly used for spam detection, sentiment analysis, topic categorization, and document organization.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis involves labeling text to identify the emotional tone expressed, such as positive, negative, or neutral sentiment. It is often used in customer feedback analysis, product reviews, and social media monitoring.

Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging

POS tagging is the process of labeling words in a text based on their grammatical role (e.g., noun, verb, adjective). It is used in natural language processing (NLP) tasks like syntactic parsing and machine translation.

Intent Classification

Intent classification is used in conversational AI systems to label text inputs according to the user’s intent, such as booking a flight, asking for information, or placing an order. It’s critical for chatbot training and voice assistant development.

Keyword and Keyphrase Labeling

This type of labeling involves identifying important keywords or keyphrases in a text that summarize its main ideas or concepts. It is often used for search engine optimization (SEO), content indexing, and information retrieval systems.

Relation Extraction

Relation extraction identifies and labels relationships between entities in a text, such as connections between people, organizations, or products. This is used in tasks like knowledge graph creation and database population.

Coreference Resolution

Coreference resolution involves labeling words or phrases in a text that refer to the same entity. For example, identifying that “he” and “John” in a sentence refer to the same person. It is useful in improving the understanding of text meaning in NLP applications.


Tokenization involves breaking down a text into smaller units such as words, sentences, or subwords. This is an essential preprocessing step in many NLP tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, and speech recognition.

Document Categorization

Document categorization labels entire documents or large sections of text with specific categories based on content. This service is useful for organizing large datasets, creating content management systems, and sorting legal or academic documents.

Entity Linking

Entity linking is the process of linking identified entities in a text to a specific entry in a database or knowledge base. For example, recognizing that “Apple” refers to the tech company and linking it to its correct entry in a knowledge graph.

Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

This service labels specific aspects of a product or service within a text with sentiment. For instance, in a product review, different sentiments may be expressed about the price, quality, or durability. Aspect-based sentiment analysis provides more granular insight into customer opinions.

Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is a more complex form of text labeling that identifies and labels underlying topics or themes within large collections of text. It’s useful for content analysis, document clustering, and summarization in large datasets.

Text Summarization Labeling

Text summarization labeling involves identifying key portions of text that capture the main ideas of a document. This is commonly used in news articles, legal documents, and research papers where a concise summary is needed.

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