Image Annotation Services

Unidata provides image processing and annotation services, delivering high-quality datasets for your machine learning and AI projects. Our team ensures precise annotations to boost model performance, offering full support for building robust datasets

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Image Annotation

What is Image annotation in machine learning?

Image annotation for machine learning (ML) is the process of labeling or tagging objects within images to create structured datasets that can be used to train computer vision models. These annotations provide critical information that allows the ML algorithms to recognize patterns, classify objects, and make predictions from visual data. By accurately labeling elements such as objects, boundaries, and features, image annotation enables AI systems to learn and improve their performance in tasks such as object detection, image segmentation, and facial recognition.

How we deliver image annotation services

Step 1

Consultation and Requirements

Our process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your specific needs. We discuss your project’s objectives, the type of data you have, and the outcomes you expect from the annotation process. This phase is crucial for setting clear expectations, identifying key deliverables, and establishing communication channels. We work with you to define the scope of the project, the complexity of the annotations required, and any special considerations, such as the types of images, annotation techniques, or privacy requirements.
Step 2

Team and Roles Planning

Based on the project requirements, we assemble a team of experts with the necessary skills and experience. This team may include data annotators, quality assurance specialists, project managers, and domain experts. We define clear roles and responsibilities for each team member, ensuring that every aspect of the annotation process is covered efficiently. The team is briefed on the project’s goals, timelines, and quality standards to ensure alignment and accountability throughout the project lifecycle.
Step 3

Tasks and Tools Planning

In this stage, we plan out the specific tasks required for your project and select the most appropriate tools for the job. We determine the types of annotations needed (e.g., bounding boxes, semantic segmentation, keypoint annotation) and match these with the best tools available, whether proprietary or open-source. We also develop a task management plan, including workflows, task assignments, and reporting mechanisms, to ensure that the project progresses smoothly and efficiently.
Step 4

Software Selection

The choice of software is critical to the success of the project. We evaluate various annotation software platforms based on factors such as ease of use, compatibility with your data formats, integration with your existing systems, and support for the required annotation types. Our goal is to select software that maximizes productivity, accuracy, and scalability while minimizing any potential bottlenecks. If necessary, we also customize the software to better meet your specific needs.
Step 5

Project Stages and Timelines

We break down the project into manageable stages, each with its own milestones and deadlines. This detailed timeline includes phases such as initial setup, pilot testing, full-scale annotation, quality checks, and final delivery. We use project management tools to monitor progress in real-time, allowing us to adjust timelines as needed and ensure that the project stays on track. Regular updates are provided to keep you informed of the project’s status.
Step 6

Annotation Tasks Execution

With everything in place, our team begins the annotation process. Our annotators work diligently, following the guidelines and using the tools and software selected during the planning phases. We ensure that the annotations are accurate, consistent, and meet the project’s specifications. Our project management team closely monitors the execution phase, addressing any issues or challenges that arise promptly to maintain quality and efficiency.
Step 7

Quality and Validation Check

Quality is paramount in image annotation, so we implement a rigorous validation process. Each annotated image undergoes multiple levels of review to ensure accuracy and consistency. We use automated validation tools where possible, supplemented by manual checks from our quality assurance team. Any discrepancies or errors are flagged and corrected before the data moves to the next phase. We aim for the highest possible accuracy to ensure that the annotated data is ready for use in your machine learning models.
Step 8

Data Preparation and Formatting

Once the annotations are completed and validated, we prepare the data for integration into your machine learning pipeline. This involves formatting the data according to your specific requirements, whether it’s converting files into a particular format, organizing them into directories, or labeling them in a way that is compatible with your systems. We ensure that the data is clean, well-organized, and ready to be used without further processing.
Step 9

Prepare Results for ML Tasks

The prepared and formatted data is now ready to be used in your machine learning tasks. We ensure that the annotated data is structured to maximize its utility in training, testing, and validating your models. This may include splitting the data into training and testing sets, normalizing the data, or applying any other preprocessing steps required by your ML framework. Our goal is to deliver data that will enhance the performance and accuracy of your machine learning models.
Step 10

Transfer Results to Customer

After final checks and approvals, we securely transfer the annotated data to you. This can be done through various means, including cloud storage, secure FTP, or direct integration into your systems, depending on your preferences and security requirements. We ensure that the data transfer is smooth, secure, and that all files are delivered as agreed. We also provide you with any necessary documentation or support to help you integrate the data into your workflows.
Step 11

Customer Feedback

After the delivery of the annotated data, we seek your feedback to ensure that the results meet your expectations. We are committed to continuous improvement, so your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine our processes. If any adjustments are needed, we are ready to make them promptly. We also discuss potential future projects and how we can continue to support your data annotation needs.

The best software for image annotation tasks


Labelbox is a versatile data labeling platform designed for image, video, text, and sensor fusion annotation. It is well-suited for large-scale projects, offering robust collaboration tools and AI-assisted labeling features that enhance productivity.

Key Features:

  • Supports multiple annotation types such as bounding boxes, polygons, and semantic segmentation.
  • AI-powered automation to speed up repetitive annotation tasks.
  • Integrated project management tools for tracking progress and performance.
  • Extensive API support for seamless integration with machine learning workflows.

Best For:

Enterprises and teams requiring a scalable, end-to-end data annotation solution with strong project management capabilities.

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool)

CVAT is an open-source tool developed by Intel that provides a powerful environment for annotating images and videos. It is particularly well-suited for detailed and complex annotations, supporting a variety of formats and extensive customization options.

Key Features:

  • Free and open-source, with active community support.
  • Supports multiple annotation types, including bounding boxes, polygons, and 3D cuboids.
  • Advanced features for tracking objects across video frames.
  • Highly customizable with scriptable automation options.

Best For:

Developers and researchers looking for a free, customizable tool for complex image and video annotation tasks.


LabelImg is a simple, open-source graphical image annotation tool that is ideal for quick and straightforward bounding box annotations. It is user-friendly and widely used for creating datasets for object detection tasks.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use interface for quick bounding box annotation.
  • Supports output in PASCAL VOC and YOLO formats, commonly used in machine learning models.
  • Lightweight and requires minimal setup.
  • Active development and community support.

Best For:

Individuals and small teams needing a straightforward, no-frills tool for bounding box annotations.


V7 is a cutting-edge annotation platform that integrates AI and automation to streamline the labeling process. It excels in handling large datasets, offering sophisticated tools for image and video annotation with a focus on collaboration and scalability.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered auto-annotation to accelerate labeling tasks.
  • Advanced collaboration tools for managing large teams and complex projects.
  • Supports a wide range of annotation types, including object tracking and keypoint annotation.
  • Real-time quality control and workflow automation.

Best For:

Large teams and enterprises looking for a comprehensive, AI-driven annotation platform that supports extensive collaboration.


RectLabel is a macOS-based image annotation tool focused on simplicity and efficiency. It offers features tailored to creating bounding boxes and polygon annotations, making it an excellent choice for users working within the Apple ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive macOS interface with support for bounding boxes and polygons.
  • Customizable shortcuts and tools for efficient annotation.
  • Supports YOLO, COCO, and VOC formats for machine learning integration.
  • Lightweight and optimized for quick use on Mac devices.

Best For:

MacOS users looking for a simple and effective tool for bounding box and polygon annotations.


Prodigy is a machine learning-powered annotation tool designed to help data scientists and developers create high-quality training data faster. It is particularly well-suited for iterative, active learning workflows.

Key Features:

  • Active learning features that suggest annotations based on model predictions.
  • Supports a wide range of annotation types, including image classification, object detection, and more.
  • Integration with Python and major ML libraries for seamless workflows.
  • Flexible and customizable to suit specific project needs.

Best For:

Data scientists and developers looking for an advanced, machine learning-integrated annotation tool that supports active learning and iterative model training.

VoTT (Visual Object Tagging Tool)

VoTT is an open-source annotation tool by Microsoft that offers a simple and flexible solution for creating datasets for object detection. It supports a variety of export formats and integrates well with Azure services.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface for creating bounding boxes and exporting in formats like YOLO, TFRecord, and CSV.
  • Supports Azure ML and other cloud-based services for seamless integration.
  • Open-source and customizable for specific project needs.
  • Batch processing capabilities for efficient annotation.

Best For:

Teams and developers needing a free, Azure-integrated tool for creating and managing object detection datasets.

Types of image annotation services

Bounding Box Annotation

This involves drawing rectangular boxes around objects in an image to identify and classify them.

Polygon Annotation

In this form, precise polygonal shapes are drawn around objects, allowing for more accurate labeling than bounding boxes, especially for irregularly shaped objects.

Semantic Segmentation

Each pixel in an image is labeled with a class, effectively segmenting the entire image into different regions based on the objects or areas they represent.

Instance Segmentation

Similar to semantic segmentation, but in this case, each object instance (even within the same class) is labeled separately.

Keypoint Annotation

This method involves marking specific points of interest in an image, such as facial landmarks (eyes, nose, mouth) or joint positions in human bodies.

3D Cuboid Annotation

Cuboids (3D boxes) are drawn around objects to provide information on their 3D structure, including depth, in addition to their position and size.

Line Annotation

Lines are drawn over the image to identify edges, boundaries, or paths within the image.

Landmark Annotation

Specific keypoints or landmarks within an image are labeled, often used to map out structures or significant features within an image.

Image Classification

Instead of labeling specific areas within an image, the entire image is assigned a label or category.

Image Masking

Creating a mask over certain areas of an image to hide or highlight specific parts. This can involve binary masks (yes/no) or more complex masks for transparency or varying degrees of focus.

Successful AI Data Creation and Optimization Cases

Data Collection for Anti-Spoofing Tasks

Within a month, more than 10% of the entire database with over 2,000 photographs was collected

Data Сollection for Сity Administration

Data collection improved the model’s performance in various street conditions by 85%.

Data collection and video annotation: weapon detection on the streets

System enabled recognition of 99% of weapon images of people on streets and indoors

Data Collection for Facial and Speech Recognition

Through data collection, the client improved their biometric system for facial and voice recognition by 21%.


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